Gadis Bond – Olga Kurylenko Positif Terkena Corona

Dzargon – Model cantik dan juga Artis Hollywood asal Ukraina, Olga Kurylenko dinyatakan positif terkena virus Corona. Wabah Covid-19 atau Corona Virus Disease  2019 memang menjadi wabah pandemi yang menginfeksi seluruh dunia.

Hal tersebut pertama kali diketahui pasca Olga mengupload dirinya tengah memaki masker. Dalam caption tersebut Olga mengaku terkena Virus yang kini sedang meresahkan seluruh penduduk dunia.

cewek manis gadi Bond terkenal virus corona Olga Kurylenko

“Hello everyone! I’m feeling better today. My fever is gone!
I hear people can’t figure out where I currently am. I’m in London!
How do I know it’s coronavirus and not just a flu? I did a test for coronavirus which came back positive.
What are the medicines that doctors prescribed as treatment? NONE!
I was told to take paracetamol in case my fever was too high and if I was in too much pain.
However, I do take vitamins and supplements. Please note that these vitamins do NOT cure Coronavirus but only help the immune system be stronger in order to fight! here is what I’m taking:
Pantothenic Acid- Vitamin B5, also called pantothenic acid and pantothenate, is vital to living a healthy life. Like all B complex vitamins, B5 helps the body convert food into energy.
Vitamin E – is a fat-soluble, essential nutrient with anti-inflammatory properties. Vitamin E helps support the immune system, cell function, and skin health. It’s an antioxidant, making it effective at combating the effects of free radicals produced by the metabolism of food and toxins in the environment.
Vitamin C – goes without saying I hope!
Curcumin (or Turmeric) – anti- inflammatory, antioxidant.
Zinc – helps immune system fight bacteria and viruses.
I also take colloidal silver but please be careful taking it as some websites have warnings about it as not everyone can take it. Please check if you can take it or you might have health complications.
I also take Cell Food but again please check websites online about it as certain people aren’t recommended to take it!
Good luck everyone!”

Gadis Bond mengatakan jika dirinya kini sudah membaik sejak dinyatakan terkena Virus Corona. Olga juga memberikan nasehat kepada follower untuk tidak panik saat dinyatakan positif Corona bahkan ia memberikan list daftar makanan dan vitamin yang yang harus dikonsumsi agar segera membaik pasca terkena Corona.

Dalam postingan tersebut Olga tampak ceria mengenaka masker berwarna biru. Ia juga mengatakan kalau sekarang dirinya tinggal di London dan menjalani karantina di Apartemennya sendiri.


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